Craft withImpact

Our mission is to create high quality, efficient and maintainable software with innovative UX for the web platform. Our goal is to develop solutions that perfectly fit our customers needs by consulting at eye level. The Lean Software Development methodology is the basis for all our actions.
... and many more innovative companies


We offer best-in-class products, from start to finish

Cloud Native

We primarily work with Google Cloud Platform but have also worked with Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure and IBM Cloud. We're experienced designers of microarchitectures that work as reliable SaaS-solutions.


Progressive Web

Thanks to years of experience, we know how to build PWAs that even work when the device is offline. Our Progressive Web Apps deliver what users really require.


Full Stack

A deep integration and understanding of the whole modern tech-stack for distributed, resilient and highly available services on Frontend and Backend enables us to create outperforming solutions.


Responsive Design

Our products adapt to the user's needs and environment. Responsive design only starts at the layout, a real adaptive application respects color themes, accessibility and loads on-demand features only when they're needed.



We have a great, real-world tested design studio that values the UX and UI of our solutions and understands their integral relationship with the user.


CRM & Integration

A tailor-made CRM is the hub of your customer information and essential for a future-oriented company strategy with constant growth. As a reliable partner we help you to increase customer satisfaction by effectively integration your system landscape and optimizing your CRM and business processes.

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