

Deno vs. Node - a comparison by example

A toy dinosaur standing on a wooden surface
What it's all about

Deno is a simple, small and secure runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript originally developed by Ryan Dahl - the creator of Node.js. In contrast to Node.js Deno "explicitly takes on the role of both runtime and package manager within a single executable". Watch Ryan Dahl announcing Deno at JSConf back in 2018: 10 Things I regret about Node.js

Node.js on the other side is perhaps the most popular serverside JavaScript runtime environment originally developed by - again - Ryan Dahl.

So let's get into detail and compare those runtimes.

As always all code-samples are available in our public Github repo.


As I am working mostly on mac OS I will cover mac OS aspects only - please refer to the platform docs for support of other operating systems.

Bashbrew install deno

That's it - brew installs deno on your system.

Over time you might run into the requirement to change different versions of deno on your system. For that there is dvm - the deno version manager. This small but very useful tool enables you to simply switch versions:

Bashdvm install 1.0.0
Bashdvm install 1.23.3
Bashdvm use 1.23.3
Bashbrew install nodejs

Just to be fair - the same support is given for Node.js.

As for deno there is a comparable feature available for Node.js (which of course is the older feature ;)

Bashnvm use latest
Bashnvm install 14
Bashnvm use 14
Getting started

Let's go into the code - and beyond the classic Hello world. Both runtimes are best used for writing servers. So let's just do that.


Deno shines in a new security concept: As a developer you need to explicitly grant access to resources such as network, file access, etc.
Let's see how this works by access a simple web API:


const url = 'http://hn.algolia.com/api/v1/search?query=typescript';
  .then((result) => result.json())
  .then((result) => console.log(result.hits));

So when you try to run this code with

Bashdeno run fetch-deno.ts

you should see the following error in your terminal:

Deno denies per default network access - which is a great security improvement. When you type

Bashdeno run --allow-net fetch-deno.ts

everything works fine and you should see a JSON list of 20 items.

A second thing is interesting in this short code sample:

Deno provides the same interface as the Browser API. This means that apps written for the Browser can be executed directly in Deno.

Let's digg a bit deeper and write a simple HTTP server in Deno.


import { serve } from "https://deno.land/[email protected]/http/server.ts";

function handler(req: Request): Response {
    return new Response("Hello, World!");


This code unveils another unique feature of Deno:

Deno imports all external libraries with an absolute path. The code is loaded directly via URLs. This is a big difference to Node.js:
You do not need to run npm install or anything comparable. Deno is loading the external code libraries for the first run and caches it - a concept inspired by the Go language.


To be fair we need to compare the Node.js runtime by executing the same code as in deno.

So let's start with a simple fetch:


let url = 'http://hn.algolia.com/api/v1/search?query=typescript';
  .then((result) => result.json())
  .then((result) => console.log(result.hits));

As this code is using a new feature you need to ensure that you are running on the latest Node.js version (as of writing this article it was 18.7.0).

When you now run:

Bashnode fetch-node.ts

you should see again a JSON list containing 20 items.

Writing a simple HTTP server in Node.js is rather straight forward.


const http = require('http');

const hostname = '';
const port = 3000;

const server = http.createServer((req, res) => {
  res.statusCode = 200;
  res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain');
  res.end('Hello World');

server.listen(port, hostname, () => {
  console.log(`Server running at http://${hostname}:${port}/`);
Wrap up

So when it comes to dev experience deno solves a couple of teething issues from node - for me the best feature is the way more lightweight dependency management. But Node.js still is the de-facto standard for backend-software running JavaScript or TypeScript - with a way larger ecosystem when it comes to hosting and deployment, framework support, etc.

So the best you can currently do is - with most new technologies - keep deno on your watchlist and maybe give it a try for small to midsize projects. It's fast, secure and provides a stellar dev-experience. For big projects I still recommend Node.js. For now. Let's recap in a couple of months ;)

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